Almost Replacing Laptops with Advanced Features, Powerful Performance, and Enhanced Versatility

Apple's iPad Pro

The new iPad Pro performs well as a laptop replacement with faster processing, an OLED screen, and improved multitasking via the Stage Manager interface. 

Impressive Performance

The revamped Magic Keyboard, with a larger trackpad and full function key row, boosts the iPad Pro's usability, making it feel like a lighter MacBook. 

Magic Keyboard Enhancements

The iPad Pro's OLED screen offers superior visual quality compared to the MacBook Pro, with brighter and more vibrant colors that enhance video, photos, and daily tasks.

OLED Screen Superiority

Stage Manager, though initially controversial, has improved significantly, allowing smoother multitasking and workspace management similar to macOS's Spaces.

Multitasking Evolution

Stage Manager needs improvements, like supporting more than four apps per window, better home screen access, and an Exposé-like app-switcher for optimal multitasking. 

Challenges in Multitasking

The main drawback preventing full laptop replacement is the iPad Pro's screen size. A 15-inch model would be a more viable option for users needing more screen space. 

Screen Size Limitation

Apple maintains a distinction between tablets and computers, evident in plans to add OLED and touch-screen support to Macs. 

Apple’s Strategic Focus

Apple will revamp Siri, open its first Malaysia store, launch back-to-school promos, develop an Apple TV+ Android app, and prep for major WWDC 2024 announcements. 

Upcoming Innovations