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Reeling Under Mac Woes? See These Solutions

If it was a competition, Apple’s Mac would certainly sweep all the awards as it is the friendliest and most reliable machine. Its sleek design and fast processor make it the top choice among graphic designers, developers, photographers, video editors, and so on. However, it is still a machine at the end of the day, and even the fiercest Apple supporter won’t deny that it faces occasional performance issues and glitches.

Fortunately, Apple’s Mac computers ensure more good days than bad, and the glitches can be solved without having to run to the nearest service center. This guide deals with common Mac woes and offers actionable solutions to get your beloved machine back in top shape. Let’s go!

Reeling Under Mac Woes? See These Solutions

Key Takeaways

  • Resolve Mac startup issues with simple restart or SMC/PRAM reset.
  • Address battery problems by checking charger, battery, and system temperature.
  • Speed up Mac by quitting resource-heavy apps and decluttering the hard drive.
  • Fix freezing/crashing apps with force quit, updates, or reinstalls.
  • Troubleshoot Wi-Fi problems by restarting devices and renewing DHCP lease.
  • Control hardware/software conflicts through Safe mode and firmware updates.
  • Backup regularly, keep desktop clean, and utilize Apple's support resources.

Troubleshooting Startup Snafus

  • Are you looking at the dreaded blank screen? To get back on track, start with a simple restart. If this didn’t work, reset the SMC and PRAM/NVRAM. Refer to Apple’s support website for specific instructions on these resets based on your Mac model.
  • Are you stuck on the loading screen? If the boot process is taking too long, it may indicate overloaded startup items. You can address this by going to System Settings/System Preferences > Utilities & Groups > choosing your user > Login Items > disabling all the unnecessary applications by clicking the minus button to stop them from launching at startup.

Overcome Battery Problems

  • Are you worried because your Mac battery is not charging? This might happen if your adapter or charger dies, overheats, the charger cord is damaged, or there are issues with your Mac battery, or there is a software bug. Check if the charger cord needs replacing, and also find out if the battery is due for a replacement. If your system is overheating, cool it down and then try charging your Mac. When there is a sudden rise in temperature, the thermal sensors in your system block access to the power supply. So, cooling it down will solve the issue.
  • Is your Mac losing charge too fast? Nobody buys a Mac to be tethered to a power supply! So, identify the battery drainers by going to System Settings/System Preferences > Battery. Adjust settings or close the applications consuming significant battery power. You can also reduce screen brightness, disable animations, and optimize energy settings to ensure your Mac’s battery doesn’t drain too fast.

Deal with Slowness and Performance Lag

You can speed up your system by implementing the following tweaks:

  • Quit resource-hungry applications. Open Activity Monitor to get a real-time view of all the processes that are running and the resources they are consuming. Once you have identified the applications consuming excessive CPU or memory, you can close them or find lighter alternatives. Freeing up resources will instantly give your system’s performance a significant boost.
  • The performance of your system can be significantly impacted if the hard drive is cluttered. You can make use of the built-in storage management tools, such as Optimize Storage, to identify and remove redundant files. You can also invest in external storage solutions or cloud storage solutions to keep the internal hard drive decluttered.
  • Check whether macOS is updated. Outdated software is responsible for performance issues and security vulnerabilities.

Overcome Freezing and Crashing Applications

Here’s how to deal with freezing or crashing applications so your workflow isn’t disrupted:

  • Force quit the misbehaving or non-responsive applications by pressing Command + Option + Escape.
  • Update the applications.
  • Reinstall the applications.
  • Review permissions and ensure the applications have the required permissions to function properly. Right-click on the application > choose Get Info > go to the General section > check whether the appropriate permissions are granted.

Prevail Over Wi-Fi Issues

Not being able to connect to Wi-Fi can disrupt your workflow and how. Here are a few steps to implement to troubleshoot Wi-Fi woes:

  • Turn off Wi-Fi and on again. Restart the modem and the router. Ensure you are entering the correct Wi-Fi password. Restart your Mac.
  • Renew the DHCP lease if the basic troubleshooting hacks did not work. Open a Terminal window > type sudo ipconfig lease renew.

Bring Hardware and Software Conflicts Under Control

  • Boot in Safe mode to identify the applications interfering with the normal functioning of your Mac computer. In this mode, only the essential system files will load. So, you can solve software-related issues. To boot in Safe mode, press Shift while starting your Mac.
  • Go to Apple’s support website to check for firmware updates. If the Mav’s hardware components are outdated, they may lead to conflicts.
  • If troubleshooting software issues did not solve the problem, you may have to take your Mac to the nearest Apple service center.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Regularly back up your Mac to ensure you have a recent copy of your important files in case of data loss.
  • Keep the desktop clutter-free.
  • Refer to Apple’s support resources by visiting the official Apple Support Website. Here, you will not just find troubleshooting hacks for common problems but also interact with users facing unique issues.

So, there you have it! Get your Mac back on track, so your workflow doesn’t suffer. Best of luck!


In conclusion, troubleshooting Mac issues doesn't have to be daunting. By following these actionable solutions, you can overcome common problems like startup snafus, battery issues, performance lag, freezing applications, Wi-Fi woes, and hardware or software conflicts. Remember to back up your data regularly and utilize resources like the Apple Support Website for additional assistance. With patience and perseverance, you can get your Mac back on track and ensure smooth workflow.


Q: How can I troubleshoot startup issues with my Mac?

A: Start with a simple restart, then try resetting the SMC and PRAM/NVRAM. Refer to Apple’s support website for specific instructions based on your Mac model.

Q: What should I do if my Mac battery is not charging?

A: Check the charger cord for damage, ensure your system is not overheating, and identify battery-draining applications to optimize settings and usage.

Q: How can I speed up my Mac if it's experiencing slowness?

A: Quit resource-hungry applications, declutter your hard drive, and ensure macOS is updated to improve performance.

Q: What should I do if applications on my Mac keep freezing or crashing?

A: Force quit misbehaving applications, update or reinstall them, and review permissions to ensure proper functionality.

Q: How can I troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues on my Mac?

A: Restart Wi-Fi, modem, and router, renew DHCP lease, and ensure correct Wi-Fi password entry.

Q: How do I bring hardware and software conflicts under control on my Mac?

A: Boot in Safe mode to identify software conflicts, check for firmware updates on Apple’s support website, and seek assistance from an Apple service center if needed.

Q: What are some additional troubleshooting tips for Mac users?

A: Regularly back up your Mac, keep the desktop clutter-free, and refer to Apple’s support resources for further assistance and interaction with other users facing similar issues.

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Got Cracked


Mac troubleshooting, Mac performance issues

About the author

Ravi is the head of Content Strategy at iFixScreens Corporate. With over a decade of experience writing technical content for his readers, Ravi has helped thousands of readers with helpful content, tips, and tricks. He mainly writes content related to gadget repairs, such as iPhones, Smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

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